Superhero Academy - Wardrobe
Wonder Woman (WW '84 Variant)
This costume was made for us by eBay seller ubestsell. It is based on the WW ’84 film variant of the Gal Gadot suit. It was debuted at Superhero Academy by the beautiful Lauren Louise, a popular UK glamour model.
Costume Stats:
Commissioned by: Jamie Thomas Butterworth
Manufacturer: eBay seller “ubestsell” – eBay Store Link
Character: Wonder Woman (WW ’84 film – Diana Prince) (Gal Gadot)
Size: UK Female 8-10 (Custom Made)
Type: Separates (Skirt, Top, leg covers, Boots, headband, lasso etc). Sword and shield NOT included.
Cost: Including shipping to UK: £155.73