Gorgeous Amy spent the day with us to shoot her three shoots for us, and she didn’t disappoint! Did I tell you I LOVE this gorgeous goddess? <3
Set 1 – Powergirl’s Power!
Powergirl is essentially Supergirl in an alternate universe. She wants to be different from her sister so uses a different name, costume and fighting style. We think she’s just as gorgeous as her sister who wears blue, yellow and red! She’s naughtier though, with her cleavage on show and more of her gorgeous toned legs to admire in her skirtless leotard!

EDIT: Amy’s Powergirl’s Power shoot is now available to buy!
Set 2 – Superfit SuperMa’am!
What happens when Lois is working out in the garden, and decides she wants more strength? She goes and sneaks into her boyfriend Clark’s wardrobe while he’s out, and puts on his backup supersuit! I thought I’d try a “genderbend” style shoot with this, as most of the DC Universe heroines all now wear full bodysuits. Supergirl having been the latest in Season 5 of the TV show.
I couldn’t resist having Amy wear one of my Superman cosplay battlesuits in the garden! One of my ex girlfriends did in the past and she was sexy as well!
She’s not Superman, she’s SuperMa’am! She looks so HOT in her boyfriend’s tight, shiny suit and soft cape! She doesn’t get his Kryptonian superpowers but she seems to inherit his strength, as she bends a crowbar and ties it in knots! Gulp!
Yowza! Save me, SuperMa’am Lois! I think I better join the back of the queue for this Superwoman!!

Set 3 – Strength of the Matrix!
In this set Amy shapeshifts from a secretary in blue, to a SuperMaid in blue, red and yellow! She then shows off her sexiness, and crowbar bending strength!

I look forward to seeing more Amy green in Supergirl matrix