Today Poetic shot her shoots for us, and was ultra feisty! She looks AWESOME with her new foxy red hair (she’s normally blonde), her gorgeous pale blue eyes make her look like the goddess of fire and water! We shot three shoots, two of which were new costumes!
Her name is kind of ironic! She tries to bring Poetic justice in one shoot, and is a Minx in another! 🙂
Set 1 – Supergirl Gets Burglarized!
This is our first peril shoot! It will also be turned into a live action comic book. Poetic jumped into our Supergirl Matrix suit, to try to bring Poetic justice (hehe!) to a burglar. The burglar in question knows that the house he is breaking into is the house of a famous photographer, and wants the top secrets that this guy has! He knows Supergirl may show up, and has planned for it….
He breaks into the house, jimmying the door with a crowbar, and begins searching the house. He finds a laptop in a desk. YES! The photography secrets MUST be on this! He shoves the laptop into a bag (funnily it has SWAG on it!) and prepares to leave. Suddenly, there’s Supergirl, standing there, her red hair and blue eyes, mesmerizing. The burglar is ready for her, with a stick of Kryptonite. Can Supergirl survive?

Set 2 – Feisty, Foxy Superwoman!
Poetic used the Minx part of her name in this one! Wearing our Superwoman/SuperMa’am suit, she shows off her feistiness, and her sexiness! Those blue eyes matched her suit perfectly. Watch as she seduces you, and even uses a crowbar erotically!

All in all, a great day with Poetic! She’s very pretty and playful, you’ll see in the released shoots that she was very energetic and seductive!