Jenny stopped by to do her two shoots for us with our photographer. Here’s some previews:
Set 1 – Cute Spider In The House!
A lot of people HATE spiders. Creepy, ugly, fast little blighters that can JUMP! We had a rather CUTE spider in our house, we called her Jen! We even made up a poem for her:
Spider Jen, Spider Jen, Cute lady spider in the house again!
She spins a web, any size! Catches thieves just like flies!
Spider Jen, we put more flies on your web again!
She’s the cutest spider we’ve ever seen! She’s welcome to shelter in our corners of walls anytime! I’d give her endless flies to eat!

Set 2 – Super Mistress!
Jen’s your mistress. You have some toxic people in your life, you’re worried their misogny is creeping into you. Mistress Jen will see to it that you keep your respect for women strong and true. Whilst keeping you in line, she has a secret to show you. She’s not just a mistress, but a Super one! Wearing our newly acquired 1984 style Supergirl costume complete with matching boots, this babe shows her strength as well as looks….

If Mistress Supergirl doesn’t keep your respect for strong powerful women in check, nothing will. Watch out though, she’s not one to cross! She bends steel right in front of you!
I’m releasing these within the next week or so as they’re new costumes!